How To Get A Job At An Investment Bank. Is Investment Banking Right for You, and Can You Get In? Because of this GPA is a big factor so do everything you can to get yours up.
You will often be up against students from Ivy LeagueList of Target SchoolsA Following the steps in this guide on how to get a job in investment banking will provide a great framework for your preparation. Investment bankers have been both glamorized and vilified by the news media and in movies for generations. Believe that you can break into investment banking.
However, investment banks also play a significant role in helping institutions secure capital.
If you are not currently an undergraduate at a top university, then you need to think long and hard about whether or not you want to put in the mammoth effort required to get into IB.
Investment bankers are intermediaries who help their clients - whether individuals, businesses, or governments - wisely invest their money. Sergey, an ex-Goldman Sachs banker, shares his experience and tips on how to prepare for an IB interview. Your steps to getting into Investment Banking.